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Та манай 0 -р зочин
Нийт гишүүд: 2,147
Нийт бараа: 4,832
VNet 6 Dual-Frequency GNSS CORS System
The VNet6 is built on HI-TARGET’s sophisticated GPS/GNSS technology, combined with HI-TARGET’s many years of experience and knowledge in establishing CORS/VRS system and monitoring system. The VNet6 is embedded with Linux operation system to support multi-u...
ZTS-360R Total Station
Compact and Lightweight Designed, easy to carry and setup. With powerful measurement module, Stable Dual-axis Compensation system, and Intelligent Calibration Software, ZTS-360R improves the speed and distance of measurement efficiently. Using STM32 architecture and high-g...
Qmini M
Qmini MP ultra-lightweight tray design, operate friendly with a strength approval. It can work as RTK controller by Bluetooth wireless. It is fully compatible with third-party software with OS Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system. Built-in professional GPS module achieves the pe...
Q star GIS Collectors Тандан судалгааны зориулалттай
Qstar8 brings the essential functionality for high accuracy GIS data collection in one device. It is also the most cost-effective high accuracy network RTK rover.
The V60 is a more compact-design and higher-performance GNSS RTK system, besides its rugged design to resist impact and vibration. The V60 has industrial OLED display screen on its front control panel to show all information and status of the work. With the smart speaker...
V30 RTK GNSS 2 долгионы gps
The V30 GNSS RTK system is designed to meet high quality standards at an affordable price. It is outstanding in its class, with a rugged design and user-friendly functions.
Даралтын их багыг хэмжинэ
Үнэ: 150,000 ТӨГ
Portamess® зөөврийн хэмжигч багаж
Арван зургаа хүртэлх хэсгээс бүрдэх усан сангийн хяналт болон удирдлагын нэгдмэл тогтолцоо
DULCOMETER® нь олон салбарт хэмжих болон хянах үйлдэл үзүүлдэг бүтээгдэхүүний нэгэн том хэсэг юм.
Бид дараах хэмжигдэхүүнүүдийг хэмжих мэдрэгчийг үйлдвэрлэдэг:
• РН орчин
• Редокс (Z) потенциал
• Цууны хүчил
• Устөрөгчийн хэт исэл
• Температур
• Хлор
• Хлорын диоксид
• Озон
• Бром
• Фторидын нэгдэл
output best
Үнэ: 180,000 ТӨГ
xLogic Micro PLC (Standard ELC-12 series),mini ...
Үнэ: 250,000 ТӨГ